Save the Date: Haiku Retreat June 20, 2024 at 10am

A teal dragonfly hangs from a wheat stalkWhat about you, Dragonfly?

A Haiku Retreat

Haiku: a short poem that connects nature and human nature. A poem of the immediate, present moment that opens our awareness of the everyday. We will learn about haiku: its origins, form and structure, and read many spring and summer haiku. The special focus of our day together is how we can more directly relate to the living things that share our spaces, from plants to animals, to seashells, sand dollars and geese overhead. We will learn to better use our five senses to write haiku that help us overcome the sense of species loneliness we often feel. All you have to do is walk out your front door to be inspired by haiku awareness that brings you closer to the other living things of this earth.

Facilitator: Jeannie Martin, haiku poet, teacher and retreat leader

Thursday, June 20, 10:00 AM -2:00 PM. In the Alliance Rm.

We will be using Jeannie’s latest book, the length of one breath: haiku now, as our reference throughout the day. Each participant will receive a copy of the book, for which there is no charge, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

Jeannie Martin’s haiku appears regularly in a number of poetry journals and anthologies. The author of 14 books of haiku, Jeannie teaches at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education as well as other venues. She is a Newton resident and member of our 0ver-60’s group.

Registration is required as numbers are limited. Please contact Jeannie to register.

Connie A and Wendy H for the Over 60s