
Note: A new policy for Hybrid Voting is now available

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FUUSN Operates with Democratic Principles and Congregational Polity

This congregation is wholly owned by its members and governed using a representative process with regular elections of officers, a set of bylaws, an annual meeting of the full society, and the power to call the minister or ministers of its choice.

FUUSN is organized according to the principles of congregational polity–ultimate authority resides with the members and the most important decisions are made by vote at a duly constituted Annual Meeting of the members each spring. Daily operational authority resides with a democratically elected Board of Trustees and Operations Council and all funds are held and invested by a democratically elected Board of Investment.

Policies and Information Issuances

Policies approved by the Board and Operations Council.

Board of Trustees (BOT)

A six-person Board of Trustees has overall authority over church finances, staffing, and high-level policy-making. The Board is responsible for seeing that all evaluations of ministers, programs, and operations are performed. Six trustees are elected by the members of the society and each serves a three-year term, with two new members elected at each Annual Meeting of the Society. The Board members elect a chair and vice chair from among their members. In addition, one youth member is elected to the Board for a one-year term (currently two youth share that responsibility). Two members currently serve as clerks for the Board.

The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Minutes of the Board of Trustees are online.

Current Members of the Board of Trustees:

RoseAnn Murray (Chair)

Hattie Kerwin-Derrick

Brian Gill (Vice-chair)

Alta Hodges (clerk)

Bill Horne

Sandra Mahaniah (clerk)

Cindy Orrell

Devon Welles

Julia Dun Rappaport (Youth)

Myles Konary (Youth)

Operations Council

A seven-person Operations Council works in partnership with FUUSN staff to oversee day-to-day operations and supports FUUSN committees in their work. They conduct monthly reviews of the Budget Tracking Report prepared by the Finance Committee and oversee an annual budget review process which culminates with a recommended budget that is presented to the BOT each Spring.

The Operations Council reports to the Board of Trustees, who are responsible for assuring performance against Congregational Priorities, the Limitations Policies, and the Operations Council Policies.

The Ops Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Minutes from Operations Council meetings are online.

Current Members of the Operations Council

Susan Bartlett (chair)

Karen Bottar (Treasurer)

Michael Costello (clerk)

Andy Dale

John Dundon

Chris Gaebler

Gayle Smalley