Yard Sale a Tremendous Success!

The loveliest news from last Saturday’s Yard Sale is that 46 FUUSNites volunteered their time to help make it happen. WOO HOO, no wonder it was a success! They set up the room, sorted and priced, sold to the public, carted what was left to Savers and cleaned up in time for Sunday. What an effort!

We made just over $2,700, which is good for FUUSN but not exactly commensurate with the hours spent. That’s okay with  the organizing committee because our real goals are to
  • “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle”
  • Serve the wider neighborhood
  • Build community at FUUSN
  • Supply goods for the Holiday Fair (the actual $$ generator) – and make sure we aren’t overwhelmed with questionable donations in December
Which is to say, we think the effort is worth doing and even fun, especially when so many people help.  Thank  you to everyone who donated, shopped, and especially, worked.
With gratitude,
Denise Bousquet and Connie Stubbs, co-chairs