UPDATE: All FUUSN Buildings Closed through Sunday, February 18, 2024

From Laurel Farnsworth and the Preservation Committee:

We are having to do our own mini version of the big dig.  We have a break/clog in our sewer line in the middle of Washington St. before it connects to the city sewer main. It is somewhere between 16 and 25 feet down surrounded by the MWRA fresh water main, gas lines, electric lines and ancient infrastructure.  It has to be dug up very carefully and all these pieces have to be supported both sideways and up and down.  We have a contractor who is getting permits and will start as soon as he can.  The best case scenario is five working days from the start but no guarantees.

So we will not be able to be in person this weekend and do not know when we will get back next week.  We will keep you posted.