Services Auction a Tremendous Success!

We held a very successful Services Auction on February 3rd. There was great attendance and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We have done some number crunching and as of today, we calculate that we cleared approximately  $16,700 after expenses. So in addition to a fun event, the Services Auction benefited FUUSN financially in a big way.
We want to thank all of the generous services donors, without whom there would be no auction. And we also want to thank all of the folks who attended and contributed to the event with their enthusiastic participation.
We also want to thank all of those who contributed their time and effort to put on the Auction. First of all the Services Auction Team who helped plan and carry out the event and solicited services donors: Bill Horne, Stephanie Kendall, Christine Lookner, Karen Bottar, Jeannie Chaisson, Jacki Rohan and Pat Rohan. And thanks to the terrific auctioneers: Norm Thibeault, Saul Lookner, and Denise Bousquet; bartenders Don Buonagurio and Julia Wolfe; data management guru Matt Ritter; and dishwashing leader John Dundon.
And also those who helped set-up and handled various tasks during the evening: Jonathan Lilienfeld, Laurie Hackett,  Bing Boucher, Helen Jordan, Nancy Mattei, Emily Gelbert, Lynne Karlson, Bruce Kimball, Kate Thibeault and Erin, Eloise, and Simon Farrell. Apologies if we have missed anyone.