New FUUSN Website Redesign Goes Live!

After many months of diligent redesign by FUUSN volunteers and web design company 2×16 and last minute content input and management by our new Communications and Technology Coordinator Jenise Aminoff, we are pleased to announce that our new, streamlined website is live and ready for use!
If you have time, please browse through the website ( You may find that information you want has gone missing or links may be broken. If so, please report this to for repair and improvement. The new website is still very much a work in progress.
Note that you will no longer be required to login to the website to access information such as the Ops Council minutes. This information is now stored in our new Google Workspace. Some things are publicly accessible and will require no login, but most things will require you to have a Google account. When you click on something you don’t have permission for, it will prompt you to request access. Our Workspace admins will review your request and grant you access, but this can only be granted to a Gmail account. If you do not yet have a Gmail account, you can create one here:
We are aware that some of you have reservations and concerns about using Google Workspace as our repository of institutional knowledge, either out of concern for security and privacy, or because you disagree with Google’s business practices. We understand and share your concerns. However, after careful review of alternatives such as DropBox or SharePoint (a Microsoft product with its own problems and concerns), we found that no other system gives us the flexibility and interconnected services (calendars, mailing lists, etc.) we need at a reasonable price.
In the fall, we will provide training for those of you who wish to use Google Workspace more extensively than checking the Board minutes. We will announce those training sessions, in person and online, when we have scheduled them.
Thanks again to everyone who helped to make this ambitious project a reality!