Ministerial Search Progress Report

The Search Committee is pleased to report that we have completed the first major phase of our work — preparing a detailed description of FUUSN for ministerial candidates. We couldn’t have done it without your participation in our congregation wide survey, Listening Circles, and the Breaking Barriers, Building Beliefs Workshop! As a result of our collective efforts, we will soon be publishing our congregational profile — which serves as a job announcement for ministerial candidates considering FUUSN. The congregational profile includes information about our history, congregation, staff, programs, culture, demographics, priorities for our new minister, and more. In the coming weeks, we will be making the Listening Circle and Survey reports available to the congregation.

In early January, we will begin receiving names of ministers who are interested in FUUSN and the interviewing and selection process will begin!

For updates, please check our website frequently!

Ministerial Search Committee:

Barbara Bates, Eric Haas, Julia Huston, Melissa Kogut, Eric Moore, Erin O’Donnell, Cindy Orrell


our email: