Register for Co-Ministry Q&A Sessions

Dear FUUSN Members and Friends:

We continue to get great questions about co-ministry at FUUSN and we invite you to attend an hour-long question & answer session on this topic. Please RSVP for one of the sessions (two are in person and one over Zoom) scheduled on:

  • Tuesday, May 14, 7 – 8 pm, at FUUSN in the Alliance Room (in person)
  • Thursday, May 16, 3-4 pm, over Zoom
  • Sunday, May 19, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, at FUUSN, in the Alliance Room (in person)

We encourage you to look at the Frequently Asked Questions About Co-Ministry we sent you, if you haven’t had a chance yet — people have told us this document is helpful.

As always, please email us if you have any questions. And click here to RSVP for one of the sessions.

Thank you,

Melissa Kogut, 

on behalf of the FUUSN Ministerial Search Committee (email us at

Erin O’Donnell (she/her), chair
Barbara Bates (she/her)
Eric Haas (he/him)
Julia Huston (she/her)
Melissa Kogut (she/her)
Eric Moore (he/him)

Cindy Orrell (she/her)