UU Plant-Based Eating Club Activities to Start the New Year

Happy (almost) new year! Let’s kick things off with a trivia question: What do Paul McCarthy, Joaquin Phoenix, and Billie Eilish have in common? The answer: They are all ambassadors for Veganuary, a 31-day challenge that inspires people to eat only plant-based food during the month of January and beyond. There are a ton of resources available online, and of course we have plenty of resources and helping hands right here at the UU Plant-Based Eating Club (PBEC).
Here is a summary of PBEC’s upcoming events and some other items that you might find to be of interest. You do not need to be a plant-based eater to join us, and we welcome newcomers and those who are just curious. No step towards plant-based eating is too small to matter. Every time you choose a plant-based food, you are making a real and measurable difference in the world!
You are invited to attend our next “Cooking Together” event, which will be held in the FUUSN kitchen on Sunday, January 7, at 3pm. We will learn how to cook delicious plant-based meals with an Instant Pot and then share a wonderful meal together. Whether you have an Instant Pot or are considering getting one, this session will be informative, fun, and yummy. For more information and to RSVP, sign up here.
Our next plant-based potluck dinner will be held on Sunday, January 21, at 6:00 pm. The dinners will be held in people’s homes in small groups of approximately 8 people. An invitation will be sent to those on the PBEC email list later in the month. If you would like to join the list, please send an email to UU-Plant-Based-contact-us@googlegroups.com.
You do not need to be a 100% plant-based eater to join the club or participate in our events. We intentionally welcome newcomers and anyone who is interested in eating more plant-based food regardless of where they are on their journey. Any items brought to our potlucks must be completely plant-based, and contain no cheese, dairy, eggs, etc. Recipe suggestions are available.
Our monthly potluck dinners are usually held on the third Sunday of each month, with occasional adjustments for holidays or schedule conflicts. We alternate between meeting in people’s homes in small groups and meeting in larger venues where we can all gather. A complete list of potluck dates for the year is on our website at www.fusn.org/uu-plant-based-eating-club.