33 FUUSNites Fought Climate Change Yesterday

FUUSN’s Climate Task Force is sponsoring a Coffee Hour table once each month this year. Today’s table was about signing Mass Power Forward’s** petition to Governor Healey to “Put Gas in the Past,” using her influence with our Department of Public Utilities and legislators to direct policy toward electrification of our buildings and vehicles rather than complete replacement of our gas infrastructure. Burning fossil fuels is the major cause of the climate crisis, so replacing gas pipes with new ones built to last many decades is just foolish. Instead, we just need the existing leaks fixed. If we missed you today, you can sign the petition here. The petition has already been signed by over 8,000 people toward MPF’s goal of 10,000.

Future Climate Task Force tables will feature:

  • December 17: Reducing consumption
  • January 7: How to heat your home without fossil fuels
  • February 4: Induction cooking
  • March 3: Native and pollinator-friendly plants
  • April 4: Transportation & bicycling
  • May 5: Greening your meals (in conjunction with Plant Based Eating Club)

Thank you,
FUUSN Climate Task Force
Demie Stathoplos, Chair

**Mass Power Forward is a coalition of over 200 environmental leaders, community development organizations, clean energy businesses, faith groups, neighborhood health and safety advocates and Massachusetts families fighting for our future.